Italian courses for children in Italy
Our Italian language school offers Italian courses for children in Italy.
Our Italian courses for children are addressed to children (from 3 to 11 years old and from 11 to 16 years old) that want to learn Italian.
The Italian language courses for kids are held by teachers specialized in the teaching to the children.
The classes consist of a minimum of 2 students with a maximum of 6 students per class.
Our Italian language school in Italy offer also Italian courses for families: children can learn Italian while their parents attend an adult course at the same time.
During lessons teachers teach the Italian language and culture using songs, games and fun activities.
Especially for kids and young learners, the process of understanding and speaking a second language must be funny and enjoyable. Young learners must feel that the Italian language is an useful instrument to play games with other children and to have fun, first of all, in their free time.
During our lessons they must have the impression that they are not “learning” a language. They must feel that they are not again at school. We will use music and drama techniques to teach the language in a natural way.
The program of the Italian courses for children:
- Learn Italian by playing with Italian children
- Learn the more useful expression of daily language, the numbers, the colors, the animals, the parts of the body, etc…
- Learn Italian through games, songs…
- Cooking lesson for children: one day is consacrated to a cooking lesson, children will do home-made pasta with the help of the teacher (Orecchiette, Tagliatelle, Spaghetti etc..) or they will prepare Tiramisù.
- Lesson at the market: on Wednesday children will go with their teacher to the market to learn the names of the fruit, vegetables, dresses etc…
- One lesson can be held at the beach with the teacher (only in summer).
Starting dates: every 2 weeks
Duration: 1 or more weeks
Lessons: 15 hours per week
Dates and Prices
Grazie per la tua lettera e i tuoi pensieri. Voi siete molto gentili.
Anche noi pensiamo di voi e di tutti alla scuola. Il tempo che abbiamo speso alla scuola sara sempre nel mio cuore. Alessandra ed Angelina parlano spesso di voi.
David, Carla, Angelina, Alessandra. Non vedo l’ora di incontrarvi di nuovo. Forse il prossimo Giugno, tornerò.
Come dicevo prima, se voi o qualcuno che voi conoscete bene vorreste venire negli stati uniti, potrete restare con me per gratis. Io posso incontrarvi all’aeroporto e mostrarvi Boston se volete.
Anche se voi conoscete qualcuno che vuole vivere qui per qualche mese o un anno, posso affittare una stanza ad un bel prezzo. Siamo venti minuti da Boston.
Io sono commossa che voi volete usare una foto di noi sul web. Facciate pure. Grazie.
Ecco il nostro web site con delle foto della vacanza e della scuola.
Ti prego, Barbara, ci scrivi spesso.
Baci Carla, David, Alessandra, ed Angelina.