
The “pearl of Adriatic sea”

Otranto: the Pearl of Adriatic sea

Otranto the “Porta d’Oriente” (door of East), one of the most famous gems of the Salento coast: this small city overlooking the Adriatic Sea is located in the easternmost point of Italy.

The historic center of Otranto has been recognized by UNESCO as a “Site of messengers of the culture of peace”. The photos were taken during the guided tour of the town.

Porta d’Oriente | Italian Language School

Vico Madonna del Passo 6– 73028 Otranto – Lecce – Italy
0039 338 4562722 info@porta-doriente.com www.porta-doriente.com

The school is officially recognized by:

università di perugiaUniversity for foreigners of Perugia for Celi and Dils-pg certicates
università germaniaGerman Federal Sates as eligible for Bildungsurlaub study leave
università venezia ca foscariUniversity for foreigners of Venice like training centre for Italian teachers
csn sveziaCSN (Swedish Board of Student Finance)
programma socrate comeniusThe school is present in the Erasmus + database

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