Starting dates and prices

Italian language courses in Italy

Italian courses: dates and prices

General notes about all the Italian classes:

        • Each course lasts for a minimum of 1/2 weeks up to a maximum of 12 months. Each level follows its own grammar and linguistic program.
        • Our Italian immersion programs are designed especially for adults and seniors.
        • All Italian courses are extendable for as many weeks as you wish.



JanuaryEvery Monday for all the levels
For totally beginners: 15; 29
FebruaryEvery Monday for all the levels
For totally beginners: 12; 19
MarchEvery Monday for all the levels
For totally beginners: 11; 25
AprilEvery Monday for all the levels
For totally beginners: 8; 22
MayEvery Monday for all the levels
For totally beginners: 6; 20
JuneEvery Monday for all the levels
For totally beginners: 3; 17
JulyEvery Monday for all the levels
For totally beginners: 1; 15; 29
AugustEvery Monday for all the levels
For totally beginners: 12; 26
SeptemberEvery Monday for all the levels
For totally beginners: 9; 23
OctoberEvery Monday for all the levels
For totally beginners: 7; 21
NovemberEvery Monday for all the levels
For totally beginners: 4; 18
Decemberfor course dates on December contact us



Type of CoursesDuration / Price
Intensive Italian language courses
20 lessons/week (4 lessons of grammar and conversation per day about Italian and regional culture through cinema, theatre, gastronomy, songs, fashion… )
per week: 390 €
Italian language courses for seniors
20 lessons/week (4 lessons of grammar and conversation per day about Italian and regional culture through cinema, theatre, gastronomy, songs, fashion… )
per week: 390 €
Italian culture courses
(B1/B2/C1/C2 level)
20 lessons/week / 4 lessons per day
per week: 390 €
Intensive-plus 1 course
25 lessons/week
4 lessons Intensive Course per day plus 1 individual lesson per day or in mini-group of 2 persons (grammar, conversation, culture)
per week: 580 €
Private tuition
Students can choose the No. of lessons
(The individual lessons are of 60 minutes) 1 lesson: 60 €
Two-to-one course
Students can choose the No. of lessons (group of 2 persons)
10 hours: 390 € per person
20 hours: 780 € per person
Italian language courses for children
15 hours/week
per week: € 350
Italian lessons via Skype
Students can choose the No. of lessons (group of 2 persons)
6 hours 240,00 €
10 hours 350,00 €
Special courses
(25-30 lessons/week)
4 lessons of grammar/conversation per day + 1 or 2 individual lessons of Italian for special purposes
(Italian art courses; Italian literature course; medical Italian course; business Italian course; legal Italian course; courses about the Italian cinema)
25 lessons/week: 680 €
30 lessons/week: 980 €
Italian language courses for Italian teachers
25 lessons/week
per week: 550 €
Erasmus-plus program and scholarship for foreign teachersAll kinds of Italian language courses can be financed, contact the school for more information.
Cils, Celi and Plida preparation course
(Official Certificates of Italian Language for Foreigners)
25 lessons/week
per week: 590 €
Cils, Celi and Plida on-line preparation coursesDuration: average 15 days: 350 €
The price includes the 2 complete simulations of the Cils or Celi examination + 4 individual lessons by Skype.
Corso di didattica dell’italiano a stranieri
15 lessons/week
(Questo corso prepara anche a sostenere gli esami di certificazione di didattica di dell’italiano a stranieri come Ditals, Cedils e Dils-PG)
2 weeks: 800 €
Italian cooking course
1 or 2 afternoons/week
(Each course 3 hours; students can choose the No. of courses and weeks)
1 day/week: 115 €
Course on Italian and Apulian wine
2 meetings a week of 3 hours each. More meetings a week can be selected. The course is for individuals but courses for small groups can be organised on request.
For group course: contact the school.


The price includes:

  • The practical lessons about the culture (like the home-made pasta course; a demonstration of the typical dance of the region etc.) are included in the program of the courses with no extra fees.
  • Initial test and interview;
  • Touristical information brochures about the area;
  • Enrollment fee 70 € and includes also:
  • Course materials (book and photocopies on different subjects will be distributed, according to the program and to the participant’s needs);
  • The use of the multimedia and audio-visual supports (on request);
  • Extra-curricular cultural activities: the guided tour of Otranto;
  • Final certificate of attendance;
  • ON REQUEST: breakfast and dinners with the tutors, contacts with the personalities of the social, economic and cultural life of the town, weekly projections of the most famous Italian films, music, exchanges with Italian students to improve conversation.

Notes for all our Italian immersion classes

  • Students can choose additional weeks;
  • 1 lesson is 50 minutes;
  • If there should be only one participant for a certain course/level, the tuition cost will be converted to 1,30 h of one-to-one lesson. In the event that there will be only 2 or 3 students for a particular level, the number of hours will be reduced by 1 hour per day;
  • Lessons are usually held in the morning but in special cases they can be held in the afternoon.


Porta d’Oriente | Italian Language School

Vico Madonna del Passo 6– 73028 Otranto – Lecce – Italy
0039 338 4562722

The school is officially recognized by:

università di perugiaUniversity for foreigners of Perugia for Celi and Dils-pg certicates
università germaniaGerman Federal Sates as eligible for Bildungsurlaub study leave
università venezia ca foscariUniversity for foreigners of Venice like training centre for Italian teachers
csn sveziaCSN (Swedish Board of Student Finance)
programma socrate comeniusThe school is present in the Erasmus + database

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