How to get to Otranto (Apulia)
Here you can find how to get to Otranto from the main European cities. You can find information about planes, trains and buses.
Here you can find how to get to Otranto from the main European cities. You can find information about planes, trains and buses.
The nearest airport is Brindisi and is located at 110 km from Otranto.
You can also take a flight to Bari which is an international airport and is connected with the major European and non-European cities.
Direct flights to Brindisi from: Brussels, Genève, Girona, London, München, Zürich, Paris and other European cities.
Direct flights to Bari from: Koeln, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, London, München, Paris, Stuttgart, Valencia, Zürich, Paris and other European cities
Companies flying to Apulia:
Milan-Brindisi: 1,50 hours of flight
Rome-Brindisi: 50 minutes of flight
School transfers
In addition, the school organizes a paying pick-up service from Brindisi airport or Lecce railway station to your accommodation to Otranto. For more information, please, contact the school
By train:
Information, timetables and online booking at the official web site of Italian Railways:
From Brindisi and Lecce to Otranto
You can take the train or bus service:
Direct links to Lecce from all Europe:
Direct links to Otranto and Lecce from Rome, Pisa, Florence, Siena, Milan, Bologna, Turin, Verona. For information, timetables and online booking, please visit: Marozzi Viaggi or Marino Autolinee
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