Courses for Italian teachers

Language, cultural and educational refresher course for Italian teachers

The Italian teachers training is aimed at:

  • Italian language teachers abroad;
  • Italian language teachers for foreigners in Italy;
  • To the future teachers of Italian as a foreign language who want to acquire the methodology and contents to outline programs to propose to their students;
  • To all those who have the opportunity to get  refresher course funded by the Erasmus-plus Program

Course structure

The course for Italian teachers will consist of the following contents:


The didactic section aims to a confrontation of the participants on the different methodologies used in their classrooms, on the teaching contents, on the possible problems occurring in a classroom where Italian is taught.


The course for Italian language teachers is created with the purpose  to study the morphology, syntax and aspects of complex phrases, vocabulary, and style of the Italian language, in order to provide the students with the means to express themselves in an elevated register. Fundamental assumptiont is that the language is a living, flexible instrument and as such constantly evolving.


“Culture, language, society and territory.” This section aims to provide students with a cultural and updated overview of relevant aspects of the social and cultural reality of Italy.
Most of the topics concern Italian culture and society, art, cinema and literature. The program is open to any suggestions by the students on other cultural issues.

The course for Italian teachers requires a number of weeks chosen by the candidate for a total of 25 hours per week; contents, periods and duration can be determined according to needs.


Starting dates 2025: 14th July

Duration: 2 weeks (on request it can be reserved also 1 week)
Lessons: 20 lessons/week


I took two courses to take the DITALS I and II exams and giving a positive judgment would be too reductive.
Everything was perfect, from the structure to the quality of the services and teaching, which is what matters most. One has the impression of starting to be part of a second family, in which you will surely be welcome. You have the opportunity to express yourself without hesitation, to clarify doubts and exchange opinions not only with the class but also with the whole world you will meet. It is from this that you learn most of the topics. Cooperation is the winning weapon and putting it into practice guarantees satisfaction and awareness. Obviously, all this is thanks to an excellent teacher: Barbara! She knows how to teach like no one in the world: she knows how to make meaningful experiences from a cultural and social point of view and you will learn almost unconsciously and effortlessly, making yourself aware of the fact that “you can”!
I would return to the Porta d’Oriente school whenever there are interesting courses and I would take the opportunity to relive moments of harmony and serenity with a wonderful staff.

Maria R.

Dear Barbara,
I went back to Toulouse, the holidays are over and it’s time to think about work. Everything starts again.
I was very satisfied with my stay in Otranto, your course was really interesting, rich and allowed me to learn a lot about culture, the origins of the city and also how to do lessons in a different and exciting way.
Thanks for the literary suggestions, for the material used and that you sent me. I will use it in my advanced courses and I am sure it will be highly appreciated.
I have already thought of lessons to introduce this beautiful region which is Puglia, its culinary habits, its past. As I mentioned, it is my intention to organize a trip with a group of students next year.
I will contact you in time, we will try to organize something with the help of your school.
Without any doubt I will make you a great publicity, both with my students and with my colleagues.

Paola V.

I hope everything is fine with you. I think a lot about the beautiful month spent by you. I really enjoyed my time in Otranto and in your school. I had fun and learned a lot, both linguistically and from the culture of the South. I hope to be able to return soon. With best wishes to all of you.

Maya G.

Dear Barbara,
I just finished writing the scholarship report and it made me rethink so much about the two weeks I spent in Otranto. It was a really wonderful experience for me and I also let the Flemish commission of the Socrates program know about it. I hope your school will be included in their database now and so maybe you could welcome many other Flemish students to Otranto.
How are you doing now in the period – I imagine – the busiest of the year for school? How many students are asking for your attention?
If you have the time, could you email me the texts on Tarantism you told me about, and also your notes on the Palio di Siena? Tomorrow I want to record the broadcast of the race from RAI 1. These are two topics that I would also like to integrate into my courses.
Say hello to Angelo and the other teachers. And enjoy your work!
Many greetings,

Eva G.

Porta d’Oriente | Italian Language School

Vico Madonna del Passo 6– 73028 Otranto – Lecce – Italy
0039 338 4562722

The school is officially recognized by:

università di perugiaUniversity for foreigners of Perugia for Celi and Dils-pg certicates
università germaniaGerman Federal Sates as eligible for Bildungsurlaub study leave
università venezia ca foscariUniversity for foreigners of Venice like training centre for Italian teachers
csn sveziaCSN (Swedish Board of Student Finance)
programma socrate comeniusThe school is present in the Erasmus + database

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