Advanced Italian language course

Discover our courses of advanced level (B2, C1, C2)

Advanced Italian course in Italy

The advanced Italian course in Italy  is for those students who have advanced language skills and want to further improve their vocabulary (whether it is technical terminology, colloquial expressions or different styles of Italian) and grammar (complex sentences). The course is also aimed at translators, interpreters and Italian teachers. For the latter, our school offers a specific course for Italian teachers.

We offer advanced Italian course in Italy here in Otranto or you can study online by taking an Italian course via Skype.

The program is taught at a proficiency level B2 and C1/C2.

Advanced Italian course in Italy (level B2)

Language instruction for the advanced Italian course in Italy is not separated from the culture and all linguistic topics will include topics with a cultural objective.

The aim of the advanced Italian course is to make students acquire the ability to understand speeches of various length and follow even complex arguments and to achieve a degree of fluency and spontaneity to interact with native speakers.
We will work on extracts from TV shows, commercials and films in standard Italian. We will analyze literary texts by contemporary authors.
Students will acquire the ability to produce clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of cultural topics and current events of interest to them.

Examples of some topics covered in the program:

  • Typical Italian expressions
  • The language of young people and “street” language through scenes of Italian films
  • The Italian language and words with double meaning
  • The use of the subjunctive through conversation
  • The use of complex prepositions
  • Italian gastronomy with a practical demonstration in the laboratory-kitchen on how to make homemade pasta from Puglia
  • Wine and olive oil
  • The folk music of Southern Italy (La Pizzica and Tammurriata) with dance and tambourine demonstration
    Popular traditions in Italy and social identity
  • Interesting songs of Italian music
  • The Italian gestures
  • How Italy has changed through advertisements of pasta Barilla: a sociological analysis

Advanced Italian course in Italy (level C1/C2)

The advanced Italian courses level C1/C2 is for all those who have advanced expertise of Italian language and culture and wish to improve and refine their knowledge of the language.

The course is designed for:

  • Advanced students of Italian
  • Italian teachers abroad
  • Translators or interpreters

Course Objectives:

the course is delivered as a single module consisting of language and culture components. The student will become familiar with all the registers of the Italian language (formal, informal, familiar, slang) to cope with complex situations of communication both in writing and in oral settings.
The aim is to achieve fluency and accuracy in Italian language. The student at the end of this course will acquire a solid linguistic and metalinguistic competence (that is, awareness of the rules of grammar and style of Italian).
The Italian language course for advanced students provides language skills equivalent to those certified by Celi5 and Cils4.
Language instruction is not separated from the culture. All topics included in the language program have a cultural objective.

Important prerequisites for the course

The course takes into account the needs, interests and characteristics of the participants, and therefore, it may be subject to changes and additions according to the students’ suggestions. The teachers are open and willing to consider any proposed ideas for inclusion or improvement.


the purpose of this module is to study the morphology, syntax and aspects of complex phrases, vocabulary, and style of the Italian language, in order to provide the students with the means to express themselves in an elevated register. The content is proposed with the view that the language is a living, flexible instrument and as such constantly evolving.


  • Stilistic and and morphosyntactic analysis of written and spoken Italian;
  • Analysis of texts of literary and journalistic genres as well as other types of texts, (chosen by the teacher in agreement with the candidates);
  • Tutorials on various writing techniques: essay, paraphrase, formal and informal correspondence.
  • Deepening of the various jargons and specialized languages: the language of advertising, economics, politics, etc..
  • Figurative, metaphorical and idiomatic expressions of the Italian language
  • Slang in Italian films.
  • Cadences and pronunciation of the various accents (and dialects) in different regions of Italy through Italian films and videos of Italian comedians
  • Neologisms and words from foreign origin in contemporary Italian
  • Linguistic minorities and dialects of Italy
  • Consolidation of language skills and the expansion of communication skills through conversation including analysis of errors and strategies to improve oral performance.
  • Study of the written language, strategies to improve writing, error analysis.


“Culture, language, society and territory.” This component aims to provide students with a cultural and updated overview of relevant aspects of the social and cultural reality of Italy.
Most of the topics concern Italian culture and society, art, cinema and literature. The program is open to any suggestions by the students on other cultural issues.


The program is the same as for the Italian culture course.

Classroom courses

Starting dates: every 2 weeks
Duration: 1 or more weeks
Lessons: 20 hours per week
Dates and Prices

On-line course

Duration of each lesson: 50 minutes
Course start: just open your laptop and enjoy our Italian language lessons
Course duration: The course duration is up to you.
6 lessons: 174 euro
12 lessons: 324 euro
24 lessons: 600 euro




Migliorare la propria conoscenza della lingua italiana alla “Scuola Porta d’Oriente” è un esperienza straordinaria e indimenticabile: Subito si è immersi in un bagno di cultura combinando dati dell’evoluzione della società italiana e le sue diversità ma soprattutto nell’approccio alle arti quali l’architettura, la scultura, la musica, la letteratura; ovviamente la storia, i costumi della Puglia hanno una parte preponderante senza contare la passione per il Salento di Barbara e le visite delle bellezze della regione ravvivate da chiarimenti affascinanti.
Inoltre l’atmosfera dei corsi è anche allegra perché la Barbara ha il dono pregiato di vi fare “lavorare” con piacere e trasmette la voglia di imparare.
Questa cosa è la più importante e “l’effetto” Barbara prosegue in casa facendo assimilare meglio tutto quello che si è imparato.
In conclusione vorrei dire che sono tanto entusiasta e che ho deciso di “raddoppiare” mio soggiorno a Otranto l’anno prossimo.

Gerard (Francia)

Ho voluto da lungo tempo scrivere dopo il corso a Otranto e ringraziarti e tutta l’équipe per averci organizzato tutto – ma da l’inizio d’ottobre, ho avuto molto (troppo!) da fare, e anche dei problemi con l’Internet e il computer (che adesso non sono tutti risolsi, ma quasi).
Nostro gruppo ha avuto un’ insegnante particolarmente competente che ha tenuto un corso tanto interessante e vivo. Con la tua contribuzione entusiastica e grazie alle visite, ho potuto discoprire una regione tanto bella e particolare che non conoscevo, e la cultura affascinante della Grecia Salentina.

Annie (Francia)

I corsi avanzati e culturali da “Porta d’Oriente” sono eminentemente raccomandabili. In un ambiente rilassato e personalizzato che non esclude il rigore accademico si studiano soggetti tanto diversi come l’architettura meridionale del medioevo, la tradizione musicale della “pizzica” e le opere letterarie di Carlo Levi e Maria Corti. Per mezzo di una metodologia ispirata dalla antropologia moderna lo studente acquisisce conoscenze profonde sulla civiltà del sud d’Italia, una regione dalle radici culturali antichissime ancora poco compresa e poco rispettata, che però definisce per la maggior parte l’italianità mondialmente conosciuta. Lo studente, sopratutto, impara a stimare il valore umano del meridione nel contesto globalizzato di oggi ed a capire la difficoltà, l’orgoglio ed il gran piacere di essere “terrone”.

Marcus (Germania)

Das war der beste Italienischkurs, den ich bisher besucht habe. Eigentlich wollte ich nur 1 Woche einen Kurs besuchen und danach 1 Woche Urlaub machen. Aber der Unterricht war so spannend und inspirierend und lustig, daß ich auf 2 Wochen verlängert habe.
Barbara kann sehr gut erklären und gestaltet den Unterricht nicht in starre Grammatik und Konversation. Sondern es gibt sehr spannende Themen, die besprochen werden, und gleichzeitig fließen die Regeln der Grammatik ein und in der Diskussion üben wir die Sprache.
Was mich aber am meisten beeindruckt hat ist das ungeheure Wissen von Barbara. Sie weiss sehr, sehr viel über Geschichte, Kultur und Anthropologie und Ihre Begeisterung und Neugierde sind ansteckend.
Es war eine wunderschöne Erfahrung, die ich gerne weiterempfehle!
Ute aus Wien

Porta d’Oriente | Italian Language School

Vico Madonna del Passo 6– 73028 Otranto – Lecce – Italy
0039 338 4562722

The school is officially recognized by:

università di perugiaUniversity for foreigners of Perugia for Celi and Dils-pg certicates
università germaniaGerman Federal Sates as eligible for Bildungsurlaub study leave
università venezia ca foscariUniversity for foreigners of Venice like training centre for Italian teachers
csn sveziaCSN (Swedish Board of Student Finance)
programma socrate comeniusThe school is present in the Erasmus + database

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