Cils preparation course

Prepare for your Cils examination with us!

The Cils preparation courses

Our Italian language school organizes Cils preparation courses. Cils courses focuse on the examination tests and also on specific problems and critical points that the teacher may identify in the students.
First, the student is given a comprehensive overview of the various sections that make up the examination. Our Cils preparation courses prepare you for the CILS exam since they help you to improve all the linguistic and communicative abilities required in the tests.

Structure of the Cils preparation courses

The Cils course for the exam includes the general language course (intensive course) + 1 or 2 individual hours per day of Cils preparation. We prepare for all the levels of Cils Certificate: Cils 1, Cils 2, Cils 3 and Cils 4.

ONLINE Cils preparation courses

If you don’t have the possibility to attend a course in Italy we offer the possibility also to take an on-line Cils preparation course.

What is Cils certificate?

The Certification of Italian as a Foreign Language Cils is the official title that denotes the degree of linguistic competency of Italian as a foreign language. The Cils is awarded by the University of Siena for Foreigners and is recogniszed by the Italian State on the basis of an agreement with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Cils levels for the exam and for the Cils preparation courses

The preparation course for Cils and exam covers four levels: ONE, TWO, THREE and FOUR. Each of these represents a progressively higher level of linguistic and communicative ability. Each Cils level is autonomous and complete and it is comparable with the exam levels of other certifications like Celi: the certification for each level represents a degree of communicative ability which is adequate for specific social, professional and scholastic contexts.
To obtain the Certificate in one of the four levels, it is necessary to pass an exam composed of five sections with tests in listening comprehension, reading comprehension, analyses of the structures of communication, writing skills and speaking skills.

Applicants for Cils

All foreign citizens, Italian citizens residing abroad (descendants of Italian emigrants) and foreign immigrants in Italy may request to take the CILS exam. There are no age limits and applicants are not obliged to possess educational certificates or degrees, nor is it necessary to have obtained lower levels of the Cils in order to attempt the attainment of a higher level. The Cils exams are not bound to the study of specific methods or forms of Italian language courses. Each candidate can prepare for the Cils exams in the ways deemed most appropriate and suitable in accordance with the demands of the level.

Who needs the Cils certification

The Cils is useful to those who study Italian, who work and study within an Italian context, and to those who wish to measure their capacity in Italian. Each CILS level denotes an ability to communicate which may be used in different contexts and situations. The ability of each level of certification for foreigners who wish to undertake activities in relation with Italian institutions for professional or scholastic purposes is established in the document of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs entitled “Coordinated system of Certificates of Italian for Foreigners”, Rome 1998.

The cils tests

All the tests are produced and evaluated at the Certification Center of the University for Foreigners of Siena based on the European parameters of the Council of Europe.

Official examination seats

Outside of Italy, the exam may be taken at Italian Institutes of Culture as well as at other selected venues. In Italy, the exam takes place at the University of Siena for Foreigners and in other selected sites  The CILS exams are scheduled twice a year, at the beginning of June and December, on the same day for all test sites.
A fee is charged for sitting the exam.

Starting dates: every 2 weeks
Duration: 1 or more weeks
Lessons: 25/30 hours per week (20 hours of general Intensive course + 5/10 hours of Cils preparation course)
Dates and Prices

Porta d’Oriente | Italian Language School

Vico Madonna del Passo 6– 73028 Otranto – Lecce – Italy
0039 338 4562722

The school is officially recognized by:

università di perugiaUniversity for foreigners of Perugia for Celi and Dils-pg certicates
università germaniaGerman Federal Sates as eligible for Bildungsurlaub study leave
università venezia ca foscariUniversity for foreigners of Venice like training centre for Italian teachers
csn sveziaCSN (Swedish Board of Student Finance)
programma socrate comeniusThe school is present in the Erasmus + database

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